Bauer BG 50 Rotary Piling Rig

Ref: 5666

1,550,000 EUR

Year: 2013
Bauer BG 50 Rotary Piling Rig
Bauer BG 50 Rotary Piling RigBauer BG 50 Rotary Piling RigBauer BG 50 Rotary Piling RigBauer BG 50 Rotary Piling RigBauer BG 50 Rotary Piling Rig


Used Bauer BG 50 Rotary Piling Rig for sale.

2,112 Hours

Carrier BT 180

Operating weight: 250 ton

Mast extension 3 m + 5 m

Hydraulic support for undercarriage

Camera rear view

Camera view to right side of rig

Display in driver’s cabin

Hydraulically powered air compressor

Kelly Bar BK 48/559/4/82

Double wall casing 2200x2080x3000

View all Bauer Machines



BG 50

Operating hours


Year of Registration




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