Comacchio MC5D Geotechnical Drill Rig/Micro Piling Rig

Ref: 8636

£85,000 GBP

Year: 2014
Comacchio MC5D Geotechnical Drill Rig/Micro Piling Rig
Comacchio MC5D Geotechnical Drill Rig/Micro Piling RigComacchio MC5D Geotechnical Drill Rig/Micro Piling RigComacchio MC5D Geotechnical Drill Rig/Micro Piling RigComacchio MC5D Geotechnical Drill Rig/Micro Piling RigComacchio MC5D Geotechnical Drill Rig/Micro Piling Rig


Used Comacchio MC5D Geotechnical Drill Rig/Micro Piling Rig for sale.

1,100 Hours

Technical data

Machine total weight with powerpack: 7,400kg

Drill weight: 5,300kg

Max mast push: 5.000daN

Max mast pull: 5.000daN

Hydraulic powerpack

Technical weight: 2100dan

Diesel engine type John Deere 4045 HF

Engine power 86kw at 2200rpm

Max working pressue 250bar

Rotary drill head

Model R2400f

Motor type eaton 677cc

Weight: 410kg

Torque: 2400/1600-800 daNm

Speed: 20-30-60m/min

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Operating hours


Year of Registration



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