Metso S4.9 3D Incline Screen

Ref: 8188

245,000 EUR

Year: 2023
Metso S4.9 3D Incline Screen
Metso S4.9 3D Incline ScreenMetso S4.9 3D Incline ScreenMetso S4.9 3D Incline ScreenMetso S4.9 3D Incline ScreenMetso S4.9 3D Incline ScreenMetso S4.9 3D Incline ScreenMetso S4.9 3D Incline Screen


Used Metso S4.9 3D Incline Screen for sale.

Engine Hours: 760

Screening Hours: 745

3 Deck 4 Way Split

20’ x 5’ Screen Box

Up to 10m3 Hopper Capacity

Deutz TCD 3.6 L4 Engine

EPA Approved

Radio Remote Control

36,900kg Operating Weight

CE Marked

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S4.9 3D

Operating hours


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