Terex Demag AC 500-2 Mobile Crane

Ref: 8632

1,350,000 EUR

Year: 2009
Terex Demag AC 500-2 Mobile Crane
Terex Demag AC 500-2 Mobile CraneTerex Demag AC 500-2 Mobile CraneTerex Demag AC 500-2 Mobile CraneTerex Demag AC 500-2 Mobile CraneTerex Demag AC 500-2 Mobile CraneTerex Demag AC 500-2 Mobile Crane


Used Terex Demag AC 500-2 Mobile Crane for sale.

Upper Hours: 16,900 -/+

Lower Hours: 8,881

Mileage: 111,795 Kms -/+

Main boom: 56m

Fly jib: 48m

Configuration: HA / HASSL / WIHI / WIHISSL

Hook Blocks: 3 (9 Sheave, 3 Sheave, Single sheave)

Drive: 16x8x14

Tyre size:14.00 R25

Counterweight: 180t

Max capacity: 500t

CE Marked

View all Terex Demag Machines

Terex Demag


AC 500-2

Operating hours


Year of Registration



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